Mark Driscoll Ministries & The Trinity Church

From 2018 to present, I’ve had the opportunity to work with Mark Driscoll’s production team on a number of projects. These ranged from one-off logo adjustments, improving their production practices, start-to-finish sermon series branding, and even interior design for some of their facilities. It’s been such a privilege to work with the talented staff and collaborate with Mark on these projects.


Sermon Series Branding

Each one of these branding projects were so fun to work on. It’s always been a collaborative process, but the team and I always end on something that I’m really proud of.


Trinity Kids Children’s Minitry

Robot Character Design

A big part of this project was clarifying the direction they wanted to take their signage, online presence and actual implementation of the brand. We landed on designing these recurring robot characters that would appear on signs, badges, promotional printouts, and apparel for their staff.

The characters’ design was meant to evoke a kind of 1950s-ish consumer appliance aesthetic with an older, more muted color palette. I think the end result was pretty fun and the kids loved it. Another big part of the brand was the patterns we used throughout the backgrounds of each project. They were pulled from old wallpaper and gift wrap patterns.