
I graduated from Boise State University with a
bachelor's degree in fine arts graphic design in 2015.
Here are some of my projects from way back then. 

Geeky Grizzly

Illustration Project

I created this illustration for one of my classes at Boise State. Bill Carmen really pushed us to take projects and run with them. The initial assignment was to make an animal alphabet book collaboratively with a handful of other students. My group decided to stick with flat, vector-based style. We twisted the concept of this project to an awkward high school yearbook photo of the animals. I really enjoy the end product, as well as the opportunity to work with other designers on the project. 

Here are those other designers' sites, if you were curious (I'll add the other two once I get their site info):

Old Nintendo

Illustration Project

This Illustration was the product of an assignment from school. The challenge we were given was to take a brand and bend it to a new market. My solution was to take Nintendo's brand and angle it towards the older demographic.

If you think about it, within the next twenty years our elderly homes will be full of people who, some time in their life, have been exposed to video games.  Assisted-living centers should consider providing video games to it's patients, and Nintendo might consider starting to market to this future client pool. 

Angry Bird

Illustration Project

Since I was a kid, I've always drawn. Taking illustration classes at Boise State under Bill Carmen has really helped me improve not only my drawing, but my execution when it comes to digital illustration as well. This was one of the projects that I really enjoyed.